Orange: Hey! Apple!
Hey apple! Hey apple!
Hey apple! Hey apple! Apple...Hey!
Apple : What! what! ...what is it?
Orange: Hey apple! Hey apple!
Aren't you glad I didn't say apple again? "laugh"
Apple : Yeah, that joke was funny the first four hundred times you said it.
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple : what!?
Orange: You look fruity "laugh"
Apple : Yeah...that...that was hilarious
Orange: Hey!...Hey apple!
Apple : what?
Orange: Can you do 10 push-ups in 10 seconds?
Apple : What kind of question is that?!..I don't even have arms.
How am I gonna do one push-up?
Orange: Hey!
Apple : What?
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple : What?!
Orange: Can you do this...?
Apple : No!
Orange: Try it!
Apple : No! Stop it!
OK, you've made your point... stop it!
Would you please be quiet!
for crying out loud would you stop yammering for longer than 3 seconds?
I can't even hear myself think...Huh...!
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple : What!?
Orange: Knife
Euuu...Eh...I warned you...Ouch, that looks like it hurts...
Tried to warn him...
Hey pear!
Pear : Oh God!